Here at Urth Crystals authenticity is paramount.

Our business is built on a foundation of quality, authenticity, and ethical sourcing. Our suppliers are Australian based companies that source from ethically mined areas that focus on sustainable extraction methods. These areas include South America, Africa and Pakistan.

Our Company

We started our crystal business driven by a genuine passion for the transformative power of crystals and a desire to share their beauty and metaphysical benefits. With a focus on holistic well-being and mindfulness, we aim to curate a diverse collection of high-quality crystals that cater to various intentions and needs. Our mission is to empower individuals to harness the energy of crystals for personal transformation and positive shifts in their well-being. We prioritize ethical and sustainable sourcing, ensuring transparency and integrity throughout our supply chain. 

Our primary goal is to become a trusted destination for individuals seeking authentic and high-quality crystals, providing them with a diverse range of options to support their well-being and spiritual growth. We aim to cultivate a strong online presence and establish ourselves as a reputable authority in the crystal industry through engaging content and educational resources. Additionally, we strive to foster a community of crystal enthusiasts by hosting events, workshops, and online forums to encourage knowledge-sharing and connection. Ultimately, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of our customers by helping them harness the transformative power of crystals. This will be a process of endless discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the popular questions answered.

General Questions

Crystal tumbled stones and rough stones both have their unique qualities and can retain positive energies. Tumbled stones are polished and smooth, which some people find more comfortable to handle. They can be used for various purposes like jewelry, meditation, and crystal healing. Rough stones, on the other hand, retain their natural form and energy, and some individuals prefer their raw and unaltered state. Both types of stones can hold positive energies, but it’s important to cleanse and recharge them regularly to maintain their optimal energetic properties. Ultimately, the choice between tumbled or rough stones depends on personal preference and the specific intention or use.

The frequency of cleansing crystals depends on several factors, including how often you use them, the type of crystal, and your personal intuition. As a general guideline, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals regularly, especially if you use them frequently for energy work or healing purposes. Some people prefer to cleanse their crystals after each use, while others do it weekly or monthly. You can cleanse crystals using various methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing them under running water, burying them in the earth, or using other cleansing crystals like selenite or clear quartz. Trust your intuition and cleanse your crystals whenever you feel they need it or if their energy feels stagnant or heavy.

Yes, water or excessive moisture can potentially affect certain crystals. Some crystals are porous and can absorb water, leading to changes in their physical structure or causing them to break or dissolve over time. Examples of crystals that are susceptible to water damage include Selenite, Halite, Lepidolite, and Malachite. It is important to research the specific properties of each crystal before exposing them to water or moisture. To be safe, it is recommended to use alternative methods such as smudging, sound cleansing, or using other dry cleansing techniques for crystals that are known to be water-sensitive.

Crystal healing is not considered a substitute for professional medical treatment or advice. It is important to understand that crystal healing is a complementary therapy, meant to work alongside traditional medicine and not as a replacement.

While crystals are believed to have energetic properties that can support well-being, they should not be relied upon as the sole treatment for medical conditions. If you have a health concern, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can provide appropriate medical diagnosis, treatment, and guidance.

Crystal healing can be used as a complementary practice to promote relaxation, balance, and a sense of well-being. It is always advisable to combine crystal healing with evidence-based medical care for optimal health outcomes.

Crystals themselves are generally not considered dangerous. However, certain crystals can pose a choking hazard, particularly if they are small in size or have sharp edges. This is especially relevant when it comes to small tumbled stones or crystal chips that can be easily swallowed.

If you have small children or pets in your household, it is important to keep crystals out of their reach to prevent accidental ingestion or choking. Use caution when handling small crystals and be mindful of where you place them to ensure the safety of everyone in your environment.

It’s also worth noting that some crystals may contain trace elements of minerals that could potentially be toxic if ingested. It is always recommended to research the properties and safety guidelines of each crystal and exercise proper care and supervision when working with or displaying them.

The size of a crystal does not necessarily determine its healing power. The energetic properties of a crystal are believed to be inherent to the mineral itself, regardless of its size. Both small and large crystals can hold potent energy and be effective in their healing properties.

However, it is important to note that larger crystals may have a greater presence and visual impact, which can enhance the overall experience and perception of their energy. They may also provide a larger surface area for energy transmission, allowing for a broader field of influence.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a crystal in healing is a combination of its inherent properties, the intention and mindset of the individual working with it, and the compatibility between the crystal and the person’s energy field. It’s important to choose crystals based on personal resonance and intuition rather than solely relying on their size for healing purposes.

Suitability Questions

Finding the right crystal for you is a personal and intuitive process. Here are some steps to help you determine which crystal resonates with you:

1. Intuition and Attraction: Pay attention to which crystals you feel drawn to or have a strong attraction towards. Trust your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by your inner feelings.

2. Physical Sensations: When holding or touching a crystal, notice any physical sensations or energetic responses you experience. Some people may feel warmth, tingling, or a sense of calmness when connecting with a crystal that is right for them.

3. Intentions and Needs: Consider your specific intentions or areas of focus. What do you hope to achieve or address in your life? Choose a crystal that aligns with those intentions or that is known for its properties related to your needs.

4. Research and Exploration: Explore the properties and meanings of different crystals through books, online resources, or reputable crystal guides. Pay attention to descriptions and see if any resonate with you on a deeper level.

5. Meditation and Reflection: Take time to quiet your mind, meditate, or reflect upon your intentions. During these moments, hold different crystals or visualize yourself surrounded by their energy. Notice which crystal elicits a strong response or feels harmonious with your energy.

Remember, choosing a crystal is a personal journey, and there are no right or wrong choices. Trust your instincts, be open to the guidance of the crystal, and allow the energy of the crystal to support you on your path. Over time, you may develop a deeper understanding of which crystals work best for you through your own experiences and connection with them.

Yes you should.

Pairing crystals involves combining them based on their properties, intentions, or desired outcomes. You can pair crystals with complementary properties to amplify their effects, balance energies by combining opposing or complementary stones, align crystals with specific chakras for energy balancing, or select crystals based on specific intentions or needs. Trust your intuition and personal preference when choosing crystal pairings, as it is a personal and intuitive process. Experiment with different combinations and observe how the paired crystals resonate with your energy and intentions for a harmonious and beneficial experience. Research suitability.

A crystal pairing that promotes abundance includes Citrine and Green Aventurine. Citrine is known as the “stone of abundance” and is believed to attract wealth, success, and prosperity. Green Aventurine is associated with good luck and opportunities, enhancing abundance and prosperity in various aspects of life. Combining these two crystals creates a powerful energetic blend that supports the manifestation of abundance and positive outcomes.

Another is the pairing of Clear Quartz and Green Jade: Clear Quartz is a powerful amplifier and can enhance the energy of other crystals. When paired with Green Jade, which is associated with luck, abundance, and prosperity, Clear Quartz amplifies and magnifies the manifestation of abundance in all areas of life.


Black Tourmaline and Smoky Quartz: Black Tourmaline is a powerful stone for protection and grounding, shielding against negative energies and psychic attacks. Smoky Quartz is known for its ability to transmute and release negative energies. Combining these two crystals creates a strong protective shield, grounding and purifying your energy field while providing a barrier against negative influences.

Another Pairing is, Amethyst and Hematite: Amethyst is a crystal of spiritual protection, purification, and higher consciousness. It helps to ward off negative energies and enhance spiritual connection. Hematite is a grounding stone that provides protection by creating a shield around the aura, deflecting negative energies. Pairing Amethyst with Hematite can create a balanced and protective energy field, promoting spiritual protection and grounding.

3. Labradorite and Black Obsidian: Labradorite is known as a stone of transformation and spiritual protection, enhancing intuition and shielding against negative energies. Black Obsidian is a powerful protective stone, forming a shield against psychic attacks and negativity. Combining Labradorite with Black Obsidian creates a potent combination for energetic protection, spiritual growth, and psychic defense.

The pairing of Rhodonite and Rose Quartz creates a beautiful synergy for promoting self-love, healing emotional wounds, and fostering a sense of compassion and harmony. Rhodonite, with its pink hues, is known for its ability to open and heal the heart chakra, encouraging forgiveness, self-acceptance, and emotional balance. Rose Quartz, the quintessential stone of unconditional love, radiates gentle and nurturing energy, promoting self-love, compassion, and inner peace. Together, Rhodonite and Rose Quartz create a powerful combination that supports deep healing, encourages self-love, and helps in developing loving relationships with oneself and others.

Also the pairing of Rose Quartz and Carnelian creates a beautiful balance of energies that promotes both self-love and confidence. Rose Quartz, known as the stone of unconditional love, nurtures and opens the heart, fostering self-love, compassion, and emotional healing. It encourages inner peace and harmony. Carnelian, on the other hand, is a stone of motivation, courage, and vitality. It boosts self-confidence, creativity, and personal power. Together, Rose Quartz and Carnelian create a powerful combination that not only enhances self-love but also empowers you to express yourself authentically and embrace your unique qualities with confidence and love. It encourages you to step into your personal power and manifest your desires from a place of love and strength.

Black Tourmaline, Shungite, and Hematite are crystals that are often used for protection against electromagnetic radiation (EMF). They are believed to have the ability to absorb and transmute electromagnetic frequencies, acting as a protective shield against the harmful effects of EMF radiation emitted by electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi routers. Placing these  near devices or wearing it as jewelry can help create a protective energy barrier and reduce the impact of EMF radiation on the body. They are considered a popular choice for those seeking energetic protection in our modern technology-driven world.

It’s important to note that while crystals are believed to have energetic properties, scientific studies on their effectiveness in protecting against EMF radiation are limited. It is advisable to use multiple methods, such as minimizing exposure, utilizing EMF-blocking technology, and incorporating crystals as part of an overall approach to mitigate EMF radiation.

The chakras are energy centers within the body that correspond to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra promotes specific qualities and aspects of our being. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, promotes stability, security, and grounding. The sacral chakra, in the lower abdomen, encourages creativity, passion, and emotional well-being. The solar plexus chakra, in the upper abdomen, cultivates personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. The heart chakra, at the center of the chest, fosters love, compassion, and emotional healing. The throat chakra, in the throat area, supports authentic self-expression and clear communication. The third-eye chakra, located between the eyebrows, enhances intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. Lastly, the crown chakra, at the top of the head, connects us to higher consciousness, spirituality, and universal wisdom. Together, these chakras form a holistic system that plays a vital role in our overall well-being and personal growth.

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